Dipping my toes into Artificial Intelligence.


3 min read

As technology marches on, it's opening up all sorts of new frontiers. One of the most exciting is in the field of rock or mine detection, where we can use machine learning algorithms to detect these objects. In this article, I'll share my journey of learning about logistic regression modelling applied to rock or mine detection, and explain it using analogies and humour.


First off, let me set the scene. Imagine you're on a hike, wandering through the woods. You're trying to avoid stepping on any mines or tripping over rocks, and it's a real challenge. Or you are deep in some submarine in the red sea, and beneath you something seems fishy, pun intended, a mine could be about to explode, or maybe it's just a rock.

You want to eliminate the paranoia and doubt, except you have no tools. But, with the power of logistic regression modelling, we can predict the likelihood of finding these obstacles in a given area. It's like having a treasure map, but instead of gold, it leads you to the dangerous stuff. The mines await you, muhaha!

Introducing (drum rolls...)Logistic Regression.

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty. Logistic regression modelling is like a weatherman predicting whether it'll rain or shine tomorrow. The weatherman uses a set of input features, like temperature and humidity, to predict the probability of rain. Similarly, with rock or mine detection, we use input features like location, soil type, and temperature to predict the probability of finding these hazards. It's like predicting the weather but with rocks and mines.

One of the challenges of this work is collecting good-quality data. It's like trying to catch fish in a murky pond, but instead of fish, you're trying to catch data. And just like with fishing, sometimes you come up empty-handed, but sometimes you get a big one!

One thing that makes logistic regression modelling great is its simplicity. It's like making pancakes - it's a straightforward recipe that's easy to follow. You mix in the input features, cook it up with some coefficients, and voila, you've got a predictive model! But, just like pancakes, sometimes it's a bit plain, and you need to spice it up with more complex models to capture non-linear relationships.

In conclusion, the journey of learning about logistic regression modelling applied to rock or mine detection is both challenging and exciting. It's like exploring a new land where you have to tread carefully, but with the power of predictive modelling, we can make it a little safer. By using analogies and humour, we can make this complex topic more accessible and enjoyable. So, let's get out there and start predicting where the mines and rocks are hiding!